Park Watch/Safety Concerns
We need your help in keeping the parks clean, safe, and free of vandalism. If you find any broken equipment, or have any other safety concerns about the facilities, please contact the park district at (847) 683-2690. If you see vandalism occurring in the parks, please contact the police department by calling 911.
Park Ordinances
For the enjoyment of all park users the following rules and regulations have been established for all Hampshire Township Park District parks, playgrounds, open spaces, and sports field locations. Click here to view the park ordinances.
Resident / Non-Resident Rates(nr)
A resident is defined as anyone who lives within the Hampshire Township Park District boundaries. Not all Hampshire addresses are located within the Hampshire Township Park District. Search property addresses via the Kane County GIS system. Residents, by paying property taxes make a financial contribution to the operating budget of the park district. Non-Residents are welcome to register for programs at the Non-Resident Rate (nr) as noted per program or non-residents may present their tax bill to the park office and pay the resident tax rate for the year to join programs for the resident rates. See below for more information or call 847-683-2690.
Paying your tax bill equivalent: Once the current year’s real estate tax bills are received, there is a way that your family would be able to participate in the Hampshire Township Park District programs with a “resident rate”. Park Districts are taxing bodies, taxing residents as indicated on a line item on tax bills. Anyone living outside of the boundaries of the Hampshire Township Park District does not pay taxes into this Park District. That is why program participants are charged a “non-resident” fee. To participate in Park District programs as a resident, simply bring the current year’s tax bill to the Park District Main office (182 S. State St.) or the Little People Playtime Office (441 E. Jefferson Ave). There the staff will apply the Hampshire Township Park District tax rate to the net taxable value of your residence as indicated on your tax bill. If you then pay the resulting amount, from June 1 of the current year (when the first tax installment is due) to June 1 of the following year, your family may participate in any Park District programs (excluding contractual programs) using in the resident fee.
Cancelation/Refund Policy
A program participant may receive a refund for a program under the following circumstances:
- The request is made prior to the program registration deadline. A mandatory $5.00 processing fee will apply. This applies to check refunds or household credits.
- Prorated refunds will be issued in a case when the Park District receives a written medical certificate that a medical condition exists that prohibits participation. The medical note must be received no later than the last date of the program. A $5.00 processing fee will apply.
- A refund of 50% will be given if the refund request is made after the program start date (i.e. orientation or first practice, whichever comes first) within the first week of the program starting. A processing fee is included in the 50% program fee. This excludes Preschool, Day Care, Summer Camp and Extended Care (see handbook.)
- See the COVID-19 Refund Policy for all cancelations that are required by the Park District due to the Pandemic.
- This does not apply if the Park District cancels the program due to low attendance or the program not running.
- No refunds will be given for classes/games/sessions missed or forgotten. Fees will not be prorated.
- All other refunds are subject to a $5.00 cancellation fee. No refund is given for the cost of t-shirts, trophies, other awards, special events, trips, one-day programs, or other contractual programs.
- Preschool Registration Fee, Extended Care Registration Fee, and Day Care Registration Fee holds a place for your child in the program and is not transferable or refundable.
- Preschool/Daycare refunds are unique and must follow the guidelines in the Parent Handbook.
All refund requests must be submitted in writing to the Park District for approval.
Park Waiver Explanation
In 1994 the Hampshire Township Park District became a member of Park District Risk Management Agency (PDRMA), a self-insured pool with many members. As a loss prevention measure, that group has asked its members to require program participants to execute a release form. The Waiver, Release, and Hold Harmless Agreement is located underneath the Registration form in this brochure. Please read the form carefully, sign and submit it when you register for programs requiring a waiver. At the time of registration, or at the first program session, you may be presented with a sheet describing some of the particular risks involved in the activity for which you have registered. If so, that additional material will become a part of the Waiver, Release and Hold Harmless Agreement. A completed and signed waiver is required for most programs in the brochure. No one will be allowed to participate in most programs without a signed waiver accompanying a registration form. We want the individuals registered in our programs to be aware in advance that when they participate in certain activities, there is a natural element of risk or injury which each participant must assume. We do not carry medical or accident insurance for program participants. The cost of that type of insurance would make program fees prohibitive. Please review your own personal health insurance plan to be certain that you and your family have the proper coverage. The use of this form is one of our answers to the national liability insurance crisis and allows us to continue to offer high quality programs to the public at reasonable cost. If you have questions please call 847-683-2690. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
website Changes or Errors
Due to the amount of information available on the Hampshire Township Park District website, errors may sometimes occur. There may be last minute changes in days & times of classes, registration requirements, and fees once a program has already been released. We apologize for any errors on this website, and if they occur we will advise you of the changes as quickly as possible. We thank you for your patience and understanding when these situations arise.
Say cheese! Photography Statement
The Hampshire Township Park District occasionally takes photographs or video of participants for promoting/advertising our programs, services, events, activities, and facilities in our brochures, website or agency social media, and other promotional avenues. By registering for, participating in or attending Hampshire Township Park District programs, events, or other activities, the participant (or parent/guardian of a minor participant) irrevocably agrees to the use and distribution by the Hampshire Township Park District of his or her image (or of his minor child/ward) in photographs, video recordings, and any other electronic reproductions of such programs, events and activities for any purpose without inspection or approval and without compensation, rights to royalties or any other consideration now and in the future.
Scholarship Program
The Hampshire Township Park District has established a scholarship program to help economically disadvantaged families and individuals, who live within Hampshire Township to participate in Park District programs. Those who apply will be required to complete an application and submit financial information on current finances. For additional details, please call 847-683-2690. The Hampshire Township Park District Scholarship Program has helped many youngsters in Hampshire to learn new skills, play sports or go to camp. Many youngsters are currently benefitting from this program; however, many will have to be turned down because there simply will not be enough funds to meet the growing need. Now you can help make sure every child in Hampshire who wishes to take part in park district programs has the opportunity to do so by making a tax-deductible donation to the Hampshire Park District Foundation.
“Living Family Tree” Program
Through the Park District’s “Living Family Tree” program, individuals and groups are invited to donate a tree to one of Hampshire’s beautiful parks in the name of someone special or to commemorate a special occasion. Births, anniversaries, weddings, retirements and graduations, are among the extraordinary life events that could benefit from a unique gift of this sort. Prices for trees begin at $170 for trees with a 2-inch trunk diameter. Shrubs may also be purchased beginning at $75. Prices include planting and maintenance. Trees are planted in the spring and fall. Arrangements must be made in February for March planting or in August for September planting. For more information, contact us at 847-683-2690.
The Hampshire Township Park District will use a positive approach regarding discipline. The Hampshire Township Park District reserves the right to dismiss a participant. Each situation will be evaluated on its own merit. The purpose of discipline is to help a child develop self-control and learn to assume responsibility for his or her own actions. We use positive statements and reinforcements to redirect negative behavior. Should a child need more than that, a “time-out” period may be initiated. We will handle disruptive behavior in the following manner:
- The parent/guardian will be informed of the specific behavior. A memo will be given to the parent and a copy will be kept in the child’s file.
- If the behavior continues, the instructor will inform parents a second time.
- If there is no change in behavior, your child will be dismissed from the class/program; a refund will be
issued for the remaining class days. Each situation will be evaluated on its own merit.
Disruptive behavior is defined as any behavior that causes, or could lead to, personal injury of your child or others. Examples: hitting, kicking, throwing things, defying or running away, or any behavior that disrupts the normal class climate. Disruptive behavior, in the broad sense, is any behavior that takes an instructor away from the rest of the class for long periods of time. The Hampshire Township Park District reserves the right to remove a participant whose behavior endangers the safety of themselves and others.
Conduct/Participant Guidelines
Participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times.
- Show respect to all participants and staff.
- Refrain from use of foul language.
- Show respect for equipment and facilities.
- Dress appropriately for activities.
A Reminder to Pet Owners
When visiting local parks with your pet, please remember that agency and city ordinances require dogs be leashed at all times. Dogs are not allowed at any athletic events including practices or in playground areas. The person in control of the pet is responsible for cleaning up the pet waste.
Total Compensation Illinois Public Act 97-0609
Availability of Employee Compensation Information. As required by Public Act 97-0609, employers participating in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) must make available the following information:
- Within six days prior to approval, a list of employees expected to receive compensation greater than $150,000
- Within six business days after approval of the annual budget, a list of all employees expected to receive compensation greater than $75,000
- Compensation includes salary, health insurance, housing allowance, vehicle allowance, clothing allowance, bonuses, loans, vacation and sick days.
- The compensation and benefits information can be found at the Hampshire Township Park District Administrative Office at 390 South Avenue, Hampshire, IL 60140 during regular business hours.